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– (EU) Rule 2016/679 on protection of natural persons related to personal data processing and free movement of such data and abolishment of Directive 95/46/CE (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) is enforced in all states of European Union. 

 – (EU) Rule 2016/679 sets forth a unique range of rules in the field of personal data protection, focuses on transparency opposite to target person and responsibility of data operator related to the manner of processing personal data, determines a range of specific assurances to protect as effective as possible the private life of underage, mainly online.


The scope of this informative note related to personal data processing consists in informing related to the manner how we understand to rule and implement on level of hotel units the GDPR policy. 

Personal data: Your data that we shall process is the personal data you have provided us or communicated by third parties authorised to exchange information with us. By this informative note, we inform you that your personal data that we shall process may include: identification and contact data: surname and first name, address, placed and date of birth, personal number, identification data included in your ID/ passport or other identity documents, citizenship, e-mail, telephone/fax, bank account, invoicing address, type of bank card/ credit card, name of holder of bank card/ credit card, date of expiry of bank card/ credit card, CVC/CVV code of bank card, IP in case of visiting the NEW ERA Hotels website, opinions and views (may include sensitive data), such as: any opinions and views submitted to us or any opinions and views that you post publicly about us on social media or made public by you using other public channels. The majority of such data represents a legal or contractual obligation necessary both for conclusion, and execution of hotel service contract, the failure to supply it may influence the supply of services contracted or observance of our legal obligations, including related to reporting and emphasizing. The company shall use the data of bank cards, credit cards, bank account registered for booking rooms, halls, event organisation only to the extent and during the interval necessary to exercise the rights and meet the obligations.

On the website and Facebook page of NEW ERA Hotels, the clients may make bookings or require offers. By click on “Like” button on Facebook page managed by NEW ERA Hotels, the target person agrees with the publication of news and offers of company on Facebook page. We inform you that NEW ERA Hotels is not managing the social media platform, but only the profile page. If the target person does not want to submit data to social media or receive information/offers, it may avoid it by clicking the button “Dislike”.

The website or Facebook page of NEW ERA Hotel, may include links not managed by company. The company does not control the contents or security of web pages, of partner companies or advertising of other companies, therefore, it undertakes no responsibility for accessing such webpages. Before providing your personal data, please read the confidentiality policies and data published on such webpage. 

On our website the cookies are used to follow the conduct of visitors. Such modules allow fast and effective navigation on pages, memorize your choices, options and preferences, and optimise the use of website. The cookies modules are kept in the browser´s memory and contain data such as: name of server sending the cookie module, term of maintenance of cookie module, one value – usually a unique number randomly generated. The cookies files do not allow your personal identification. 

Our website, is using cookie modules to maintain valid authentication on long term, to keep the preferences of navigation and use of website. 

If you agreed to include the cookie modules in your browser through the banner from the start page of website, please consider that you may withdraw consent anytime. 

The current browsers (web engines) offer the possibility to set/deactivate the cookies. In this respect, in general, the Options or Preferences section is accessed. 

Since the company is processing personal data both for contractual reasons and for keeping you abreast of our activities (newsletter), we want to assure you hereby that we have taken all relevant technical and organisational measures for protection of your data against unauthorised access or modification, unauthorised reveal or destruction of your data. 

The target persons are entitled to cancel anytime such declaration of consent issued by confirmation of subscription by e-mail. After being annulled, such personal data will be deleted by operator. The company considers automatically the withdrawal from receiving the newsletter as a recall of consent. If you are no longer interested in being informed about the events and services offered by New Era Hotel, please sent an UNSCRIBE demand to e-mail: _______ or follow the e-mail instructions, from footnote, clicking unsubscribe.

Personal data processing involves any operation or set of operations involving personal data, by automat or non-automat means, such as collection, registration, organisation, storage, adoption or amendment, extraction, consulting, use, reveal to third parties by transmission, dissemination or otherwise, joining or combining, blocking, deleting or destruction, storage – keeping on any support the personal data collected.

Purposes of processing and target persons: Your personal data will be collected for determined, express and legitimate purposes and will be processed based on principle of integrity and confidentiality, providing for proper security of your personal data, including protection against unauthorised or illegal processing and loss, destruction or accidental damage, by taking relevant technical or organisational measures. 

The processing of your personal data as target person is performed but not limited to the following purposes: 

– For supply of hotel services, organisation of events; 

– To be contacted and to answer you related to the services that you are using or intend to use from NEW ERA Hotel; 

– In accounting, financial purposes related to invoicing; 

– Marketing communications (to the extent that you have expressed consent); 

– Management of our communication and IT systems; 

– For reporting to National Institute of Statistical, judicial executors, bank institutions etc.; 

– For the recovery of debts owed, the data will be submitted to appointed lawyers, courts for actions and representations in court; 

-For other purposes stipulated in the contract or by law, as legal obligation. 

Principles of processing: Processing personal data under conditions of legality, equity and transparency. 

The legal base for collection and processing personal data for each scope mentioned in this informative note is any of the following: 

– consent of target person.

– purpose of processing compatible to initial purpose of personal data processing; 

– execution of contract including the target person as party or petition submitted before concluding a contract, for the conclusion or execution of contract; 

– legal obligation: conformity to legal requisites imperatively applicable; 

– legitimate and legal interest for the supply of own services, for processing for marketing, advertising, direct marketing, polls and communication purposes by e-mail or other channels, for prevention and combatting frauds. 

The deadlines anticipated for keeping and deleting different categories of data will be stipulated by legislation in force including related to archiving, respectively up to achieving the scopes for which it has been collected, during the entire term necessary to use it as determined by legislation in force (including tax law)

Subcontractors: For the supply of services, NEW ERA Hotel may hire authorised persons, part operators, service suppliers as subcontractors. In such situations, NEW ERA Hotel will make sure that any subcontractor hired has signed a contract with standard contractual clauses which provides enough guarantees to enforce relevant technical and organisational measures, so as processing observes the requirements of GDPR and provide for protection of rights.

Rights of target persons: 

  • Right of information and access your personal data. The target person is entitled to ask for a copy of personal data held by NEW ERA Hotel. The application is submitted in writing to hotel units or by e-mail to __________, according to the draft on website. 
  • Right to amend your personal data. The target person is entitled to amend data if it is not correct. The update of data deemed incorrect will be done based on an application submitted to NEW ERA Hotel seat or by e-mail to the address _________according to the draft on website (to be included on website). 
  • Right to delete. NEW ERA Hotel will  process and keep your data as long as necessary. Upon the expiry of terms mentioned for keeping data, it will be deleted and anonymised. Under certain circumstances, the target person is entitled to ask for the deletion of its personal data. 
  • Right to restrict the use of personal data. 
  • Right of opposing to use of personal data. 
  • Right to data portability. 
  • Right to withdraw consent on any moment. The consent may be withdrawn on any moment and will produce effects only for the future, the processing prior to withdrawal being valid. 

Requirements. Complaints. Any requirement related to any of your rights or complaint related to how NEW ERA Hotel is processing your personal data will be submitted in writing, dated and signed (according to the draft presented) to NEW ERA INVESTORS S.R.L., Bucharest, 3rd District, 14, ŞELARI St., ROOM 9 or to e-mail: If dissatisfied with the solution received, you may contact the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing – with the seat at: 28-30, G-ral Gheorghe Magheru Blvd., 1st district, Bucharest, zip code 0103336, e-mail: or to turn to court (art. 79). We state that the exercise of rights is free for one demand during one year. 

We reserve the right to amend, when deemed opportune, the data protection practices and update and amend this informative note on any moment. For this reason, we recommend you to read periodically this informative note.